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2022 - Volume 16, Issue 4
- Issue published: 02 December 2022
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Research Articles
This case study explores xenophobic sentiments and actions in Costa Rica during the refugee crisis from April to December 2018, caused by the internal political crisis in Nicaragua. By looking at Costa Rica’s long histories of migration it is evident that xenophobic sentiments against Nicaraguans...
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The article explains why the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) became marginalised during the insurgency in Donbas despite its ideological closeness to the rebel cause. The KPU was a popular pro-rebel party during the rebellion, but sharing the rebels’ ideological background doesn't automatically...
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Any exploration of the power dynamics that underly the Franco-German tandem can surely benefit from the insights that the creation of the Common Agriculture Policy provides. The purpose of this article is to ascertain which government achieved its objectives more fully during the negotiations...
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Book Reviews
- Publisher web: US Naval institute
The question of maritime activities in the Mediterranean Sea has always been a crucial yet minor topic in modern naval history. Because of the increasing maritime activity through the trade routes from Europe to its colonies and the progressive redistribution of power outside the old continent, historians...
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