Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS) is happy to accept contributions in the following areas: (1) research articles and (2) thematic section research articles.

CEJISS accepts only articles that have not been published in other journals yet or are not under consideration elsewhere. CEJISS follows the "your paper, your way" principle. We do not request any specific citation or formatting style until after a paper has been accepted for publication. However, it is up to the author to change the citation style according to the journal's requirements once the manuscript is accepted.

Research article manuscripts should fit within the range of 6,000 to 12,000 words. When submitting a research article manuscript, please make sure to attach two documents: 1) an anonymised manuscript that doesn't reveal the identity of the author(s) and 2) a title page that includes the author's full name(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es), keywords, abstract and acknowledgements (the latter may be added after the successful completion of the peer-review process). Other attachments (data sets, figures etc.) may be uploaded as well if needed. For further information, please refer to our guidelines.

Thematic section contributions are shorter research articles (4,000–8,000 words) that respond to a specific call for thematic section papers. When submitting a manuscript, please make sure to attach two documents: 1) an anonymised manuscript that doesn't reveal the identity of the author(s) and 2) a title page that includes the author's full name(s), institutional affiliation(s), email address(es), keywords, abstract and acknowledgements (the latter may be added after the successful completion of the peer-review process). Other attachments (data sets, figures etc.) may be uploaded as well if needed.

There are no publication or processing fees. All the published articles are open to access (free of charge).

Before submitting your manuscript, please refer to our citation and style guidelines, research article requirements and ethical guidelines.