
One of the provinces that contributes to the emergence of women leadership in Indonesia is Banten. Until recently, there are four municipal regions which are chair-headed by female mayors out of the eight regions in Banten Province including Lebak regency. Particularly, Lebak has already conducted a direct local election in June to elect its regional head (regent). Nevertheless, it has a unique and interesting case for further study, namely the re-candidation of the incumbent head as the only ‘single’ contestant in the election.  As a result, the past female head was successfully re-elected to lead the region for the next five years. What are of significant factors that have successfully contributed to the victory of this female candidate? Of what considerations do people finally put their decisions on this female candidate, whether they chose her because of her quality and characteristics of leadership, or any other factors take play to their decisions such as it is only ‘single’ candidate available? Thus, the study sets describe the factors that are contributing to the victory of her as a single candidate in the elections in Lebak district 2018. This research was conducted through field research by using interviews with related parties in the district of Lebak Banten.


Keywords: female leader, single candidate, victory factors.