This article presents the social and political causes of Nigeria-EU migration issues concerning unregulated migration that has been affecting the EU. This was done through qualitative and quantitative methodology, which includes interviews, data gathering and documentary analysis. From the findings and discussion, the article submits that the main problems frustrating the effort of the EU interventions on migration is the political situation of Nigeria. If the political sphere in Nigeria is not addressed in a proper way by eradicating numerous vices that undermine the economy and security through corruption, granting and assisting funds by the EU will be a superficial solution. It also presents the unconventional neo-vectors of migration and concludes that, since migration is a part of the human right through freedom of movement, which is also enshrined in human security, migration issues therefore cannot be exterminated through the building of migration centres. However, they can be reduced, if there are effective collaborative efforts by the Nigeria-EU relations in conjunction with other African states through strong border controls and enabling development as a precursor to addressing migration problems.
Keywords: migration, Nigeria, EU, Africa, population, human security