Chinese development financial flows provided to African recipients have gained a lot of attention for their volume and nature representing an alternative approach to development. It is the aim of the article to examine the observance of principles of the Chinese development model, the Beijing Consensus, through Official Development Finance (ODF) delivered to Ghana between 2000 and 2013. Due to the lack of information published on development finance by Chinese government, the author uses AidData’s dataset and media reports to verify the nature and amount of finance provided and their allocation in the country. The author came to conclusion that all the principles are observed regarding the purpose of projects delivered. Although it is possible to come across differences in the attention paid to principles, in all cases the projects supporting the principles are traceable. The adherence, however, is significantly undermined by the process of implementation of the projects as well as by some of China’s by-product activities in Ghana.
Keywords: China, Africa, development, Beijing Consensus, Ghana