The development of information and communication technology has changed various patterns of human life, one of which is electronic commerce (e-commerce) which has many advantages but is also quite vulnerable to the problems and losses it causes. One of the problems that often occurs in Indonesia is the fraud of electronic transactions by businesses electronically in Indonesia. Responding to this, the use of a Certificate of Trustworthiness on the sites of business people can be carried out electronically in Indonesia. The nature of the use of Certificate of Trustworthiness that only "regulates" as contained in Article 10 of the ITE Law is a separate issue regarding the implementation of the principle of legal certainty and the achievement of the objectives of the ITE Law. The approach method used is normative juridical, with the specifications of analytical descriptive research. Data are analyzed qualitatively juridical in order to obtain conclusions on the problems being studied.

The results of the study show that the principle of legal certainty has not been applied properly in Article 10 of the ITE Law related to the obligation to use Certificate of Trustworthiness by Indonesian e-commerce business. Efforts to achieve the objectives of the establishment of the ITE Law in Article 4 are hampered and may not even be achieved.


The authors are affiliated to the Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia.
