The CEJISS Editorial Team invites contributions analysing security integration and cooperation in Europe at the regional and, especially, sub-regional level. While the EU and NATO are the dominant security platforms in this regard, European states have also explored other possibilities of integration and cooperation. They include initiatives such as the Three Seas Initiative, the Visegrad Group (V4), the Nordic Council, the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation but also less formalised fora or even non-institutionalised diplomatic processes that contribute to security cooperation or articulation of shared security interests and policies. We encourage potential authors to consider these sub-regional (sub-European) institutions and processes on their own or in interaction with regional or global dynamics and actors (EU, OSCE, the European Political Community etc.).

Some of these sub-regional institutions or processes may seem rather invisible or dormant, while others have gained a new impetus after the full outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. This begs questions concerning their importance and role. How do they contribute to Europe’s security? How effectively do they address traditional or non-traditional security threats? Is there unfulfilled potential? Do they represent revisionist tendencies or help deepen the EU- and/or NATO-centric security system in Europe? Who are the main actors pushing for their development, and why? How do non-state actors contribute to these cooperation or integration processes? Is there any involvement of non-European actors? We encourage potential authors to explore these questions or similar ones.

For the purposes of this thematic section, we define security broadly – from the military dimension to security issues pertaining to, for example, energy, environment, technology and social cohesion. We expect the submitted papers to draw on relevant theoretical perspectives or the existing academic debates, including those originating from International Relations, Security Studies (including Critical Security Studies), Geopolitics (including Critical Geopolitics), Organisation Studies and others.

Thematic section information

The thematic sections of CEJISS aim to facilitate a forum for authors to publish timely academic reflections on selected topics. The length of thematic section contributions is 4,000-8,000 words (including abstract, references, footnotes).

Contributions to thematic sections may include the following types of articles.

  • Standard research articles whose ambitions, research goal and framework are adjusted to the length of thematic section contributions (4,000-8,000 words). Papers with a strong narrative are particularly encouraged.
  • Sophisticated academic essays (op-eds) that develop or build on the existing theoretical repertoire of International Relations (or related disciplines), offer a clear argument and contribute to academic debates.

Articles that lie between the two aforementioned types of papers are also appreciated. In any case, thematic section contributions should be of a scholarly character.

Please follow our submission guidelines. For more information about our thematic sections, please see here.


  • Deadline for abstracts (about 200 words) - EXTENDED: 15 November 2023
  • Abstract selection (acceptance emails): 1 December 2023
  • Manuscript submission deadline: 15 March 2024
  • Review process and paper revisions: April-July 2024
  • Standard (print) publication: mid-September 2024

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In order to submit your abstract or get more information, please contact Dr. Ales Karmazin (CEJISS editor-in-chief) at Please use the following email subject: thematic section – regional security in Europe

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CEJISS is a quarterly journal that publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles across the entire field of International Relations and International Security. Since its foundation in 2007, it has been proudly committed to the principle of open access publishing (no fees to publish, no fees to read). It is indexed by SCOPUS, ERIH Plus, ProQuest, EBSCO, Google Scholar and other databases.

CEJISS is a pluralist journal. It favours a variety of theories and methods used as well as topics and geographical areas covered. Nonetheless, CEJISS is particularly (but not exclusively) interested in drivers of the contemporary world’s change – from geopolitical shifts, nationalist resurgence and regionalisation to environmental and technological changes. Rather than specialising in a particular theme, it prefers to understand the broader impacts and mutual entanglements of these processes. CEJISS has published articles focused on Central and Eastern Europe as well as on other regions and the global international system. It is open to inter-disciplinary, cross-thematic and trans-regional works discussing international aspects of politics and security. CEJISS also welcomes policy-relevant articles. However, please note that all articles must meet the usual research standards (they need to be research articles in the first place).